Intel’s patented DLVR tech could deliver a massive power draw decrease for Raptor Lake

Intel's patented DLVR tech could deliver a massive power draw decrease for Raptor Lake

Intel’s DLVR tech has the potential to increase Intel’s power efficiency massively

Earlier this year, Intel filed a patent for its 13th generation Raptor Lake series processors, highlighting a new voltage regulation technology that has the potential to increase the company’s power efficiency massively. 

While Intel’s 12th Generation Alder Lake processors are already impressive (see our Alder Lake review), Intel’s power consumption can be high under many workloads. Intel’s high-end processors can push voltages high during certain workloads. Still, with Raptor Lake, Intel plans to push CPU VID down while maintaining strong performance levels to achieve heightened power efficiency. 

Intel’s Raptor Lake processors should include a Digital Linear Voltage Regulator (DLVR), a technology that was revealed through a patent application, as discussed by @Underfox3 on Twitter. This technology is said to decrease power consumption by 20-25% by reducing CPU voltage by as much as 160mV. Intel’s full patent can be read here. 

With this patented technology, Intel will not only be decreasing the power draw of their future processors. This technology can allow Intel to boost the performance of its processors, with the company stating in their patent that “This proposed power delivery architecture drastically increases the CPU performance at a small extra cost for the silicon”.

Intel's patented DLVR tech could deliver a massive power draw decrease for Raptor Lake  
With Raptor Lake, Intel will be able to increase the efficiency and performance of their processors without the need for next-generation transistor technologies. While Raptor Lake is not expected to deliver many major design changes over Alder Lake, DLVR could be enough to deliver Intel a generational boost in power efficiency on its own, giving Intel power to use elsewhere to boost CPU performance. 

Raptor Lake is expected to utilise enhanced versions of Intel’s Golden Cove P-cores and feature more Gracemont E-cores on the high-end. Recent rumours have suggested that Raptor Lake will offer users up to eight enhanced performance cores alongside sixteen efficient cores. 

Intel's patented DLVR tech could deliver a massive power draw decrease for Raptor Lake  
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