The Wolf Among Us 2 has been delayed until 2024 to avoid burnout and crunch

The Wolf Among Us 2 has been delayed until 2024 to avoid burnout and crunch

Telltale delays The Wolf Among Us 2 over burnout and crunch fears

Telltale Games has confirmed that they have delayed the release of The Wolf Among Us 2 to 2024, stating that the developer wants to avoid crunch and burnout amongst its staff. Telltale has stated that a 2023 release would result in the launch of an unfinished game or force their developers to crunch in order to meet their original 2023 release timeframe. Neither option is fair on Telltale’s developers or their fans.

It has also been confirmed that The Wolf Among Us 2’s development has shifted from Unreal Engine 4 to Unreal Engine 5, a chance that has required the game’s development team to redo a lot of work that had been completed on Unreal Engine 4. That said, Telltale’s engineers and artists feel that this switch has been worth it and has delivered good results.  

The Wolf Among Us 2 was re-revealed at 2019’s The Game Awards, with the game being published by a resurrected Telltale Games and co-developed by AdHoc Studio, a new game studio that is made up of almost 50% Telltale staff.

The Wolf Among Us 2 will retain the episodic structure of older Telltale games, though the company has confirmed that all five of the game’s episodes will be completed before the game’s 2024 launch and that all of the game’s episodes will be launched on a regular schedule. This means that the release of specific episodes should not be delayed, and that fans should be confident that the game will be completed.

The Wolf Among Us 2 has been delayed until 2024 to avoid burnout and crunch

Despite the game’s use of Unreal Engine, The Wolf Among Us 2 retains the same artstyle as the 2013 original. That said, animations appear smoother in The Wolf Among Us 2’s new trailer, and the game appears to make greater use of lighting effects.

The Wolf Among Us 2 will take place six months after the original game, with Bigby Wolf adjusting to his new life as a “Private Investigator”. Bigby is no longer the sheriff of Fabletown, and that doesn’t mean that be will be free of trouble. Adam Harrington and Erin Yvette will be reprising their roles as Bigby and Snow respectively, though at this time it is unknown how many voice actors will be taking up their prior roles with this new game release.

The Wolf Among Us 2 will be launching sometime in 2024 on PC, Xbox, PlayStation, and Switch. Telltale has also recently confirmed that they are also working on a game based on The Expanse, which will be a prequel to the Amazon TV series.

You can join the discussion on The Wolf Among Us’ delay to 2023 on the OC3D Forums. Â