Twitter broke Twitter – “Internal change” causes “unintended consequences”

Twitter broke Twitter -

Twitter breaks Twitter with an internal update

If you have been on Twitter recently, you will know that the site has not been working as intended. TweetDeck is down, images are not displaying correctly, and links to external websites are not functional. Twitter is not working as intended, and Twitter only has themselves to blame. 

Twitter has confirmed that they have made an “internal change” that has had ” unintended consequences”. The company are currently working on an update that will address the website’s myriad of problems, and hopefully this update will arrive soon.  

Twitter broke Twitter -

As it stands, Twitter is not functional for those who wish to share images, videos or links to external websites. Text Tweets are working, but applications like TweetDeck are not. External tools that utilise the Twitter API are also experiencing issues. At this time Twitter has not ETA on a fix for these issues, but we hope one is coming soon.

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