A 20 minute gameplay demo has been released for The Elder Scrolls: Skywind

A 20 minute gameplay demo has been released for The Elder Scrolls: Skywind

Morrowind is now 21 years old, and the game’s fan remake Skywind, is getting closer to completion

To celebrate the 21st anniversary of The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind’s launch, the team behind Skywind, the project that’s recreating Morrowind within Skyrim’s engine, has released a 21 minute long gameplay video showcasing the game’s “Necromancer in Mawia” quest. 

Skywind is a project that aims to move the world of Morrowind into Skyrim and give the classic RPG a visual overhaul, enhanced graphics, and the gameplay improvements. The project will be available for free to owners of both Skyrim and Morrowind when the project is finished, allowing PC gamers to replay Morrowind in a new way. 

The video below showcases a quest where players are sent from Molag Mar to an island tower to eliminate a dark elf necromancer. On the way, players must fight against a variety of undead opponents, and explore a large tower. 

Sadly, Skywind has no firm release date, and the project is not expected to be completed anytime soon. The video above is a showcase of how far the project has come, proving that entire quests are finished within the mod. That said, RPGs like Morrowind have a huge amount of content, making the creation of Skywind a time-intensive project for the modders involved.

You can join the discussion on Skywind’s latest gameplay video on the OC3D Forums.