CD Projekt Red shuts down Sony buyout rumours

CD Projekt Red shuts down Sony buyout rumours

The Witcher Developer squashes PlayStation acquisition rumours

Rumours have recently started circulating about the future of CD Projekt Red, the developer behind The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt and Cyberpunk 2077, with several sources alleging that Sony (the company behind PlayStation) were interested in acquiring the developer. This was reported by several sources online, and had spread widely enough for CD Projekt Red to officially respond to the rumours. 

In a recent earnings call, CD Projekt’s leader, Adam Kicinski simply stated that “CD Projekt is not for sale” and that the company will “remain independent”. Based on this statement, it is clear that rumours regarding Sony’s acquisition of CD Projekt Red are false, and that CD Projekt Red’s leadership are not interested in an acquisition.  

    So I’ll take the first one. Nothing has changed on our end. So I can repeat what we’ve been saying throughout the years. CD Projekt is not for sale. We want to remain independent. – Adam Kicinski

CD Projekt Red shuts down Sony buyout rumours

CD Project are currently working through a long term roadmap that will see the release of several new games with The Witcher franchise, and a new Cyberpunk game. This summer, Cyberpunk 2077’s Phantom Liberty expansion will be released, and a remake of The Witcher 1 is known to be in development.

You can join the discussion on CD Projekt Red’s confirmation that they aren’t for sale on the OC3D Forums. Â