Capcom wants to know what Resident Evil game to remake next

Capcom wants to know what Resident Evil game to remake next

Capcom plans to remake more Resident Evil games, and now they are asking fans what they want to see next

Capcom have been on fire recently, with Resident Evil 4’s Remake selling tremendously well while Street Fighter 6 has already proven to be a huge success. Financially, Capcom has recorded their 7th year of consecutive profit growth, which is a huge success story for any company, and a clear indication that Capcom are giving gamers what they want, great games. 

Now, Capcom wants to know what Resident Evil fans want. Recently, Capcom’s efforts have been to create new Resident Evil games alongside remakes of the series’ classics. This gives existing fans new content to enjoy, and gives newcomers a great way to enter the fandom, and now that Resident Evil 2, 3, and 4 have received modern remakes, Capcom wants to know what gamers want them to remake next.

In a new Resident Evil brand survey, gamers have been asked about that Resident Evil game they want to see remade next. While it is unknown how fans will respond to the survey, it is likely that Resident Evil: Code Veronica will be frequently listed by fans of the franchise, with it being a “true sequel” to Resident Evil 2, following Claire and Chris Redfield months after the events of Resident Evil 2.

Capcom wants to know what Resident Evil game to remake next

It is also likely that Resident Evil fans will request remakes of Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6, though there are plenty of other Resident Evil games that could be recreated and revamped for modern gaming systems. 

If there is a Resident Evil game that you would like to see remade, make sure that your voice is heard by taking part in Capcom’s survey here.

You can join the discussion on Capcom’s plans to remake more Resident Evil games on the OC3D Forums.