AMD Radeon RX 7600 XT with XFX, Sapphire and PowerColor

Call of Duty Warzone 2

RX 7600 XT Reviews

Call of Duty Warzone 2

Fifteen years ago the market was flooded with war-based first person shooters. They all developed their own take upon multiplayer madness, but the one that really sacrificed any SP content on the altar of multiplayer modes was Call of Duty. Some of the playerbase might not have the best reputation, but the game is solid and can look absolutely gorgeous on the right hardware. We’ve got all the bells and whistles turned on.

Modern Warfare 1080 Modern Warfare 1440

Tom Logan - TTL - tinytomlogan

Tom Logan - TTL - tinytomlogan

The dude from the videos, really not that tiny, fully signed up member of the crazy cat man club.

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