Huge Gains! – Patch 2 for Baldur’s Gate 3 adds substantial optimisations to the game

Huge Gains! - Patch 2 for Baldur's Gate 3 adds substantial optimisations to the game

Expect higher framerates in Baldur’s Gate 3 following the release of Patch #2  

Patch 2 for Baldur’s Gate 3 has just been released, and it has delivered a wide range of performance enhancing changes that should give PC gamers significant performance gains across all areas of the game. Additionally, velocity vectors have also been added to the game, which should improve the quality of the game’s TAA and reduce visible aliasing.

The performance enhancements included in patch 2 are wide reaching, but the largest performance gains should be seen in CPU-limited scenarios. This means that Baldur’s Gate 3 should run substantially better in Act 3, an area of the game that is notorious for poor performance. 

Below is a list of performance and optimisation updates that have been made to Baldur’s Gate 3 with patch #2. 

Performance and Optimisation – From Baldur’s Gate 3’s Patch Notes

– Improved performance and made optimisations across the game.
– Improved CPU load.
– Made performance improvements related to controller movement.
– Made optimisations for when moving around the world on controller.
– Moved surface texture and decal creation to worker threads.
– Moved loading shroud textures to worker threads.
– When AI can use a nearby AI hint, limit AI flooding.
– Improved minimap performance.
– Optimised the controller map by removing some duplicate items.
– Reduced the size of savegames.
– Made changes to make loading savegames made in older patch versions significantly faster. These changes will continue to make loading old savegames speedier in any patches and hotfixes to come.
– Removed some unnecessary calls for the hotbar to update to improve on stuttering.
– Slightly delayed when tooltips pop up when hovering over things like actions, items, and spells. This prevents the game from unnecessarily loading and unloading tooltips. The delay is now set to 200 milliseconds. Still reactive, more performant.
– Made optimisations for selectable elements on controller.
– Removed an irrelevant sound analytics event for optimisation.
– Fixed a memory leak when opening the inventory with a controller connected.
– Fixed a memory leak when streaming textures.
– Wrote velocity vectors to help with overall visual quality (e.g. when using TAA, to reducing visual aliasing).

Huge Gains! - Patch 2 for Baldur's Gate 3 adds substantial optimisations to the game

Thanks to Patch #2, Baldur’s Gate 3 should now run on PC with smoother overall framerates and exhibit a lot less stuttering on many systems. This is great news for all players of Baldur’s Gate 3, even those with ultra-high-end systems. Gamers will lower-end CPUs will see the largest performance gains with Patch #2, as CPU performance has been a huge focus of today’s update. 

You can join the discussion on Baldur’s Gate 3’s patch 2 delivering huge performance gains on the OC3D Forums.